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Essay & SOP Preparation

An SOP or Statement of Purpose is the letter of intent that comprises of objectives, aspirations and future plans of a student provided he or she is selected for the college or university they’re approaching. It’s imperative that an SOP is written in precise language because it largely affects the outcome of a student’s application.
The content of this statement is usually laid down by the university that’s being applied for and it generally contains the following parts:


  • The purpose of the student’s study
  • The area of study
  • Achievement till date in the specific area
  • Future plans after graduation
  • Explanations

IQ education Consultants Hyderabad have a vast experience in essay and SOP editing service and has successfully pushed students through the nerve wrecking early application acceptance period.
We offer this essay and SOP preparation service interactive and informative sessions held by experts in the domain. We ensure that the entire learning process is extremely pleasant and easy for a student.


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